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转鼓 roller

惯性模拟系统 Chassis dynamometer 

功率吸收装置  device for power absorption

空气阻力 aerdynamic resistance

滚动阻力  rolling resistance 

当量惯量  equivalent inertia 

转速表 tachometer

成套分析装备  analytical train

组合气室 Stacked cell

参比室 reference cell

滤光室 filter cell

干扰滤光器 interferential filter

反应室  reactive cell

碳氢化物响应度 Hydrocarbon response

碳数当量 Carbon equivalent

氧干扰 oxygen interference

氧校正 oxygen correction

湿度校正系数  humidity correction factor

拖尾  tailing 

平衡气  iodine penta-oxide method

零点气  zero grade gas (air zero gas)

校正气 calibrating gas

量距气 span gas 

袋式分析  bag analysis

排气烟度  opacity of exhaust gas

烟度计  opacimeter 

全流食烟度计  full flow opacimeter

取样烟度计  sampling opacimeter

吸收系数  light absorption coefficient 

峰值存储器  peak hold device 

烟室 smoke chamber

引进气体 incoming gas

排出气体  outgoing gas

色温  color temperature 

人眼的感光曲线  photoptic curve of human eye

光谱反应曲线  spectral response curve

光源  light source

光束  light beam 

直接光线  direct light ray

反射光线 reflected light rays

散射光  diffused light

光通量  light lux

中性滤波器  neutral optical filter

烟度计物理反应时间  physical response time of opacimeter

电气响应时间  electrical response time

倍频程  octave 

热时常数  thermal time-constant

烟柱  smoke column

标定用遮光片  calibrating screen

示踪气体  tracer gas 

冷却装置 cooling device

膨涨箱  expansion tank

暗度刻度 obscuration scale 

光学试验台 optical bench

热电偶  thermocouple

气密性 gas tightness



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