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发表日期:文章编辑:admin浏览次数: 标签: 毕业证翻译 学位证翻译

Diploma of Bachelor's Degree

Zhang San, male, born in March, 1989, has completed course of study in the School of Economics and Management of Beijing University, majoring in Human Resource during September 2009 to June 2013. There upon, he has approved to graduate from the university. In accordance with "The Registration on Academic Degree of the People's Republic of China", Mr. Zhang San has been awarded the Bachelor's degree of Management.

Chairman: Li Si

Beijing Univeristy Academic Degree Committee

June 30, 2013

Certificate No.:

Graduation Certificate

Zhang San, male, born on March 20, 1989, was an undergraduate student majoring in Human Resource in the School of Economics and Management of Beijing University during September 2009 to June 2013. He has completed all the prescribed four years undergraduate courses, passed all the examinations and is entitled to be a graduate of Beijing University.

President: Li Si

Date: June 30, 2013

Beijing Univeristy

Registration No.:



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Diploma of Bachelors Degree Zhang San, male, born in March, 1989, has completed course of study in the School of Economics and Management of Beijing University,......

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